Monday, September 3, 2007

Ken Is Now In Heaven With God

Since my last post a lot has happened. My wonderful husband and closest friend went home to be with the Lord at 2:31 p.m. on Friday, August 31, 2007. Although he suffered much pain over the past few months, he was not in any kind of pain for the last two days of his life here on earth. He met his glorious Lord and Savior face to face last Friday and is now free from sickness and pain.

Services will be held for him on Wednesday, September 5, 2007, at 10:00 a.m. at Faith Community Church in Whitefield, Oklahoma. The church is located about 1-1/2 miles West of Whitefield on Highway 9. Whitefield is about 23 miles from Eufaula on Highway 9 East. Interment will be at Bower Cemetery in Longtown, Oklahoma. He is now at Gregg Funeral Home in Eufaula, Oklahoma. Visitation is from 1:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday. On Tuesday night about 7:00 p.m. we will have a very informal gathering of family and friends in the Gregg Funeral Home Chapel. This will be a time of sharing our love and appreciation for Ken and precious memories of him.

After the interment at Bower Cemetery, everyone is invited to go back to the church for lunch with the family.

I appreciate all of your prayers, phone calls, visitation, and food that have been brought in the last couple of weeks. You were all precious to Ken (and I) and he loved all of you very much. He will be greatly missed by many.
I love you,

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Rev. Kenneth L. McCoy

If you come by the house to visit Ken, you will see his new Minister's License displayed near his bed and he will tell you all about how proud he is to have this license. Ken has had an Exorter's License for many years. An Exorter's License allows him to be able to preach, minister in the hospitals, prisons, etc. Obtaining the Minister's License allows him to be able to do all of theses things and also perform weddings and funeral services. Our pastors, Rev. Bill & Mary Fitzer, came by the house Wednesday, August 15th, and officially presented Ken with this license.

We thank God for these wonderful pastors who care so very much about Ken and I. We are so blessed to have Bill and Mary as pastors as well as friends. We also thank God for our beautiful, loving, caring, and giving church family that has gone to extra mile for Ken and I through the last few months. Besides praying and loving us, they have been coming by the house with well wishes, groceries, and prepared meals that have been such a tremendous blessing. Most days I have not had the time or the strength to fix a good meal and this extra effort on their part has been a tremendous help to us. God is so good to us.
Yesterday Ken had a very good day which we know was the result of answered prayer as the day before he was in so much pain that I didn't know if he could stand anymore. The hospice people have been so wonderful. They come out every weekday and bath him and take care of anything he needs. His doctor has changed his meds and this also has caused him to rest much better. Please continue to lift Ken up in your prayers. He and I definitely could not make it through this without all of you who pray and encourage us daily.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Ken is Having a Better Day Today

Today has started out being a good day for Ken. I am so very thankful because until yesterday things were a bit rough. We really didn't have much hope for him and were praying that God would relieve him of the pain that he was in. On Friday Ken asked that we give him more prednisone because he felt that the problem he was having was with that Polymyalgia Rheumatica. Karen called the home health about talking to the doctor about this and the doctor put him on 4 prednisone a day for a week and will taper down to one again in four weeks. This has helped Ken quite a bit. For one thing, it seems to be taking down the swelling somewhat in his left leg and has given him a appetite again. It is wonderful to see him eating again, as before he really didn't care to eat anything much except for a health shake (Herbalife) or some yogurt. He really like the health shakes and they are so good for him as we put fruit and yogurt in them and they are full of vitamins. This morning he had a scrambled egg, a small glass of OJ, and a health shake. Also he asked me last night to start giving him his Poly-MVA doses again. He has to take them orally and we cannot get him to the clinic for the IV doses.
Karen had to go back to California yesterday. She had planned to stay another week, but she found out that the apartment she is staying in is not being paid for by the traveling nurse company she works for when she is not working at the hospital, so last week cost her $400 in rent (Laguna Beach). She has to complete four more weeks on her contract and then she will be back home. Our son, Craig, arrived Saturday and will be staying with us all through this week. He is such a wonderful help to his Dad and I and we appreciate him so very much for taking a week of his vacation to be here. Also, Jeffrey has gone back home as his school starts tomorrow. He has been with us all summer and has been a tremendous help. Tresha and family has been here almost every day helping do what is needed. I praise God for our kids and grandkids!!
On Saturday, Ken wanted the kids to give me an early birthday party as Karen and Jeff were leaving. My birthday is not until the 28th. I will be 66 years young!!!
We had a great party with cake and ice cream. Yum!! Ken ate a piece of cake and two scoops of vanilla bean ice cream. We were so surprised as he had not been eating anything solid. He sure enjoyed it.

Birthday Party Attendees

Left Side of Ken: Jacob, Emily, Karen, & Tresha

Right: Jeff, Craig, & Mary

This picture shows Ken with a smile! We had the camera set on the timer and Karen had to jump in to get in the picture and Craig got cut out of this one.

Yesterday (Sunday), our friends and adopted kids, Diana and Rick, came by to see Ken and told us that they were bring dinner for us yesterday evening. Diana made our favorite beef enchilada casserole and chocolate sheet cake. Can you believe Ken ate some of the casserole and wanted chocolate cake and chocolate ice cream and ate the whole thing! We were so amazed. (I have been giving him anything he wants to eat if he will eat it. Of course, I had to give him extra insulin that evening but his sugar level was good this morning. Diana and Rick really cheered Ken up. Diana and Ken carried on with their bantering back & forth and had us all laughing. It was really good for Ken. Thanks Diana & Rick for a wonderful dinner and an enjoyable day!! We love you!!!

Friday, August 17, 2007

This is the first time in two days I have been able to post anything. Every day brings new challenges. I am so thankful for Tresha, Karen, & Jeff being here with me as I don't think I could have made it through yesterday. Ken has really been facing a battle within himself and the medications he is on creates a lot of emotions in him. Yesterday he decided would be his last day on earth and he was just going to give up and die. He refused to eat or take any of his medications. He called his two boys on the phone to say goodbye. He told Tresha, Karen, Jeff, Mark, Emily and Jacob goodbye. Then Justin, Derek and Andrea called to talk to him and he told them goodbye. He had them call his young friend, Steve from the church, to come by and talk to him.

Of course, earlier in the day I finally had an opportunity to go get my hair cut and get a pedicure (I had not been to the salon in months and I looked a bit like a shaggy pup!) and all of this was happening while I was gone. When I came home I walked into all of this gloom and doom. Ken said his goodbye to me and we were all blubbering a lot. Finally, God send two wonderful faith-walking saints of God into our home named Lil & Sue. They had come to encourage Ken and pray for him as they had done the week before. We told them he had given up. These precious ladies went straight to the church and began praying and interceding for Ken, along with many others who knew the situation--Sis. Clark at the Prayer House and all of her intercessors, our wonderful pastors, and many that God had called to pray. Immediately things began to change. Ken came out of his depression and decided to give it one more day! We were in the kitchen eating hamburgers and he asked to eat. He drank a Herbalife shake and then, to our amazement, asked for a hamburger. He had not eaten solid food in days. The hospice nurse came by to see him thinking he was dying (as we all did) and saw him eating the hamburger and said to him, "Well it look as if you changed your mind!"

After church, our pastors, Bill & Mary, came by to see him and really got him cheered up. They then officially presented him with his new minister's license. You may now call him Rev. Kenneth McCoy. He was so very proud to get this license. We took pictures which I will post as soon as I can get them downloaded from Karen's camera.

Ken told us last night that tomorrow we would have a blowout! Now, we were not sure what that meant to him, but today (Thursday) has been a party for him. Friends and family began coming by to see him at 8:00 this morning and we had a steady stream of visitors until later this afternoon bringing cheerfulness, prayers and food. He talked and talked and talked. Visitors today were Sue, Teri & Tom, Wayne & Wilma, Priscilla and H.R., and Donna W. Of course, Mark, Tresha, Emily, Jacob, Karen, & Jeff were here today too along with two nurses and the physical therapist!!! Whew, what a blowout day Ken had. He was so very happy to see everyone. This was so good for him. Thank you all for coming by.

It is now 1:00 am and he is resting and has been for a few hours. He hasn't slept this long for several days. I think Ken has really enjoyed all of the attention and has definitely appreciated everyone who has come by and called to cheer him up. God has blessed us with a wonderful family and lots of great friends. We love you all!!!

Rhonda Is Home From The Hospital

Rhonda went home to her house last night; she was homesick; she wanted to be in her own bed and be around her own stuff. I am so glad she felt that way; it means she is really feeling better. She is doing so much better than I anticipated; God is good.

Thanks so much for your prayers for Rhonda. Please continue praying for her complete recovery and total healing. God is an awesome God!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Thank God for Wonderful Children

God is so good to have given Ken and I wonderful children who care about us. Karen & Tresha have been such a blessing...especially this week. Karen is a RN and has been such a great help in taking care of Ken. Tresha has been there for anything we need. She lives about 3 miles away so she is here often.

Ken has had a rough week. At first I didn't know if he would live through the week. He had a good day yesterday and I know it was because of all the prayers that have gone up for him. God is truly an awesome God!!

The hospice people have been a blessing also. They have provided Ken with an oxygen concentrator so he can have oxygen 24/7 if he wants it. His pulse oxygen count was 94 before the oxygen, which is good, but the oxygen has given him that extra boost that he needed.

Please keep praying for Ken as he desperately needs his healing to be complete. Thanks so much for your prayers.


Here are some pictures of Ken and I with Ken's three children, Bryan, Craig, and Tresha and their families. The last photo is of everyone that was here for a McCoy Family Reunion. Ken's three children, their spouses and all of their children. (Ken's children are just like my very own even though they are my Stepchildren. They are wonderful children.) Ken's Sister. Rena; her daughter, Melissa; and Melissa's three children were here. These photos were taken on June 19, 2007, while Ken was undergoing chemo and radiation:

Bottom Row: Craig, Ken & Bryan
Top Row: Mark, Tresha, Bobbie, Sheri & Mary

Bottom Row: Emily, Cameron & Braxton 2nd Row: Craig, Ken, & Bryan 3rd Row: Jacob, Mark, Tresha, Bobbie, Sheri, & Mary Top Row: Alex, Kylie & Alyssa

Bottom Row: Alyssa, Danielle (Great Niece), Braxton 2nd Row: Craig, Ken & Bryan
3rd Row: Jacob, Rena (Ken's Sister), Tresha, Bobbie, Sheri, Mary & Emily
Top Row: Alex, Shelby (Great Niece), Michael (Great Nephew), Michael's Girlfriend, Kylie, Melissa (Niece), & Cameron

Here is a note from Retha about Rhonda. I thank God for her healing!!:

Rhonda Is Really Bored at the Hospital

Rhonda may come home tomorrow, Tuesday, if her fluid levels are still good like they were today. She'll stay at my house a few days before going home. She's doing so good, I doubt she will stay with me long. They moved her to another room because her room was too hot. Her new room number is 3003; her new phone number is 272-4279. She is really bored up there.
I really appreciate all your prayers and asking your churches to also pray for her. It gives me a lot of moral support knowing I have a loving family and friends to turn to in times of crisis. It's really a miracle that I'm not a basket case right now. We are all still praying for my sister Mary's husband, Ken, who also has cancer; we're praying for a miracle.
Thanks, I love you,

Monday, August 13, 2007

The last few days have been really rough! Ken went on another helicopter ride last Thursday night with Air Evac. His left foot and leg became very swollen and I thought he was getting another blood clot. We went to the ER in Muskogee again (3rd or 4th time this year--I've lost count). I called everyone to pray that he would not have another blood clot and, praise God, he did not!! His blood flow in that leg was good and xrays did not show a clot.

I praise God for our wonderful friend, Barbara, who lives just a few blocks from the hospital. She was able to get over to the hospital to be with Ken by the time he arrived in the helicopter. It took me 45 minutes to get there and the helicopter arrived in 9 minutes. Thank you so much, Barb, for being there for us!! They did not keep Ken much to our surprise. The doctor in the ER spoke to him very frankly and told him that he just needed to realize that there is nothing they can do to help him. She was kind, but it was so hard on him to hear their report.

The next day we began to make plans to go to OKC and stay in Karen's house for a month so Ken could complete his Poly-MVA treatments, but he has not been able to travel. His leg is still swollen and the doctor's say it is from the cancer in his pelvic area. Ken has been very sick and is on a lot of pain medication.

We finally had to get him signed up on hospice so that we can get the help we need. They are going to send someone out 5 days a week to help me do the things that has been very difficult to do for him--bathing, changing his bed with him in it, etc. He is a big man and I cannot do everything he is in need of right now.

I praise God, also, for the wonderful friends that have been coming by to pray for him. Two beautiful angels, Barb and Reba, came by this afternoon and prayed for him and sang to him. He was so lifted up and encouraged and has felt so much better since they were here.

Karen, our daughter, will be here tomorrow afternoon and is going to spend some time with us. She is a wonderful daughter and also a registered nurse. Tresha, our youngest daughter, has also been a tremendous help. She keeps my dishes washed up, cooks, and helps take care of her Dad. What would we do without such great kids and friends.

We're not giving up or giving in! We are still standing in faith believing God for an absolute miracle!! God is still on the throne and the devil will not win!! We have the victory and are overcomers through Jesus Christ!

Ken & Mary

Below is a recent post from Retha about Rhonda. (Friday, August 10th):

Wednesday night they had to keep Rhonda's arms and legs restrained because she was trying to pull the stomach drain tube out of her nose. With all the pain medication, she didn't know what she was doing; she was going to kill all of us. Thursday about 1 pm the doctor pulled the drain tube out of her nose and I untied her. They moved her to a regular room. She had a nurse stay in the room with her until 11 pm last night. Her daughter Sarah spent the night. She is doing so much better; 150% turn around. She had little bites of ice than little bites of pop-cycle and took a few sips of water. She is having to learn to swallow again.

Jeff just came in to report: Friday, 4 pm
Swallow test: she ate a little cracker with some barium? paste that tasted good. She swallowed it while being ex-rayed and she passed the swallow test. So, today she received real food; beef broth, jello, ice cream, tea and cranberry juice. She is getting back to normal. They also took out the catheter so she can walk around.

P.S. Now I'm down with a sinus infection. Down, not out. My doctor called me in a Z pak.
